Thursday, August 21, 2008

Newest Book Review on Goodreads

This one's kind of boring, but this is the first time I'm trying this, so it's mostly just a test to see if it works. Enjoy!

Organic Chemistry (with ThomsonNOW  Printed Access Card) Organic Chemistry by John E. McMurry

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
I had to read this book for Organic Chemistry. As far as textbooks go, this one was easy to understand and very well laid out. It is also one of the books that the Organic Chemistry section of the Dental Admissions Test is taken from, so I was lucky to use it in my class. Overall, I'd say I didn't really enjoy it (because of the subject matter), but for a textbook it was easy to learn from.

View all my reviews.

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